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Paper Publications
Phase transition of traffic congestion in lattice hydrodynamic model: Modeling, calibration and validation.38(08):
Variable time headway spacing strategy for connected vehicles platoon based on sliding mode control.637(-):
Bus dwell time estimation and overtaking maneuvers analysis: A stochastic process approach.186(-):
A large-scale traffic signal control algorithm based on multi-layer graph deep reinforcement learning.162( ):
A microscopic traffic flow model for explaining nonlinear traffic phenomena: Modeling, stability analysis and validation.38(29):
Car-following model based on spatial expectation effect in connected vehicle environment: modeling, stability analysis and identification.641(-):
Car-following traffic model based on PID control: Modelling and simulation.39(10):
Analysis of car-following behaviors based on data-driven and theory-driven car-following models: Heterogeneity and asymmetry.632( ):
A driving guidance strategy with pre-stop line at signalized intersection: Collaborative optimization of capacity and fuel consumption.626( ):
Tricyclic balanced sampling plans avoiding adjacent units with block size three. (10):