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Paper Publications
Study on the Reduced Traffic Congestion Method Based on Dynamic Guidance Information.v.69(05):
Dynamic congested traffic states of lattice hydrodynamic model with an on-ramp and its immediate upstream off-ramp.29(32):
A New Car-Following Model with Consideration of Dynamic Safety Distance. (2018):
Multiple flux difference effect in the lattice hydrodynamic model.21(2):
Flow difference effect in the two-lane lattice hydrodynamic model.21(7):
The Application of Optimal Control in the Constant-Speed Control of Rotary Screen Rack. ( ):
A new macro model for traffic flow considering the driver's delay effect. ( ):
A new lattice hydrodynamic model based on ITS environment. ( ):
Difference Matrix and Its Applications in Combinatorial Theory. ( ):
A multiple velocity difference model of traffic flow with following vehicle.32(SUPPL.1):