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Paper Publications
Phase transitions in the two-lane density difference lattice hydrodynamic model of traffic flow.77(3):
Variable Speed Limit Strategies Based on the Macro Hierarchical Control Traffic Flow Model.2021( ):
Optimization Model and Method of Variable Speed Limit for Urban Expressway.2021( ):
Dynamics of traffic flow affected by the future motion of multiple preceding vehicles under vehicle-connected environment: Modeling and stabilization.565( ):
New feedback control strategy for optimal velocity traffic model.559(-):
Modeling and Simulation the Influence of Passengers Distribution in the Bus on Boarding Time. ( ):
A new two-lane lattice hydrodynamic model with the introduction of driver's predictive effect.551( ):
Analysis of the Effect of Berths on Passenger Boarding Time Using Cellular Automaton Model. ( ):
The effect of Headway Variation Tendency on traffic flow: Modeling and stabilization. (525):
Analysis of predictive effect on lattice hydrodynamic traffic flow model. (526):