谢广文   Professor

谢广文,教授,博士,长期从事纳米材料、微晶与非晶态材料研究与应用,在纳米材料表面改性、非晶态催化材料等领域取得了许多创新性成果。近年来在《燃料化学学报》、Chemical Engineering Journal、Carbon、Green Energy & Environment、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Applied Surface Science、 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Power Sources、Renewable Energy、Surface and Coatings Technolo...Detials

Synthesis of interconnected polyaniline nanofibers in catanionic micelles

Release time:2021-03-15  Hits:

  • Key Words:catanionic micelles; nanofibers; polyaniline
  • Abstract:Interconnected polyaniline nanofibers with diameters in the range of 30-60 nm and lengths up to several micrometers have been synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline in catanionic solution by mixing cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate. The product was characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The effects of the molar fraction of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on the morphologies of polyaniline have been investigated.
  • Volume:27
  • Issue:7
  • Translation or Not:no