谢广文   Professor

谢广文,教授,博士,长期从事纳米材料、微晶与非晶态材料研究与应用,在纳米材料表面改性、非晶态催化材料等领域取得了许多创新性成果。近年来在《燃料化学学报》、Chemical Engineering Journal、Carbon、Green Energy & Environment、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Applied Surface Science、 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Power Sources、Renewable Energy、Surface and Coatings Technolo...Detials

Effect of pulse duty cycle on micro-plasma oxidation of aluminum alloy

Release time:2021-03-15  Hits:

  • Key Words:pulse duty cycle; micro-plasma oxidation; oxide coatings; aluminum alloy
  • Abstract:The pulse power supply was applied to oxidation of an aluminum alloy by means of micro-plasma discharge in electrolyte solutions. The LY12 aluminum alloy was used as specimen in the form of a disc 20 mm in diameter and 6 mm in thickness. The electrolyte solutions consist of a sodium silicate or phosphate, etc., with pH value in the range of 7-12. The working voltage was 120-600 V. The current density was 10-60 A/dm(2) and the temperature of the electrolyte solution ranged from 10 degrees C to 60 degrees C during oxidation. The properties of oxidation coating were characterized by surface and structural analytical techniques, i.e., scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. It was ascertained that the thickness of the coating can be from a few micrometers up to more than 200 pm with a good adhesion between the coating and the substrate, and the coatings comprised a mixture of crystallized delta-Al2O3, gamma-Al2O3, and alpha-Al2O3. The hardness of the coating was measured using a Vickers hardness tester with a 50 g load. The mean value of microhardness was HV 1200-2200 kgf/mm(2). (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V, All rights reserved.
  • Volume:59
  • Issue:22
  • Translation or Not:no