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Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Education Level:博士研究生


Discipline:Material Science



Education Level:博士研究生



孙瑞雪,青岛科技大学教授,硕士研究生导师。2002年本科毕业于山东大学材料科学与工程专业,2007年博士毕业于山东大学材料学专业(硕博连读)。主要从事生物医用纳米材料的可控制备、性能调控及应用,镁合金表面改性与腐蚀防护等相关领域的研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东省优秀中青年科研奖励基金等多个科研项目,在Chemical Engineering JournalJournal of Materials Science &Technology, Applied Surface Science等国内外专业期刊发表论文40余篇,获授权专利5项。


      1、山东省自然科学基金面上项目,ZR2021ME053,MXene/HAp三维组装体的可控构筑及其对肿瘤细胞的光热 疗-化疗协同作用机制,2022-012024-12,在研,主持。






    1. Xiaowei Liu; Ruixue Sun*; Zeao Zhou; Yuanzheng Tang. In situ growth of nanohydroxyapatite on multilayered Ti3C2Tx MXene as a drug carrier with superior-performance, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 180: 91-101. 

     2. Fuzhen Li, Ruixue Sun*, Kezheng Chen. Construction and properties of a multifunctional stearic acid modified CeO2 coating on anodized AZ31B Mg alloy,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 945: 169316.

    3. Xiaodan Jiang, Xiaowei Liu, Jiayi Cai, Shibo Wei, Yanan Wang, Zhuqing Duan, Zeao Zhou, Ruixue Sun*, Xiaofei Qu*, Yuanzheng Tang. Fabrication and properties of multi-functional polydopamine coated Cu/F-codoped hydroxyapatite hollow microspheres as drug carriers,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2023,222, 113097.

   4. Shuaikang Yang; Ruixue Sun*; Kezheng Chen. Self-healing performance and corrosion resistance of phytic acid/cerium composite coating on microarc-oxidized magnesium alloy, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428: 131198.

    5. Shuaikang Yang; Chen Wang; Fuzhen Li; Naihao Liu; Putong Shi; Baojin Wang; Ruixue Sun*. One-step in situ growth of a simple and efficient pore-sealing coating on micro-arc oxidized AZ31B magnesium alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 909: 164710.

     6. Xiaodan Jiang, Yi Zhao, Chen Wang, Ruixue Sun*, Yuanzheng Tang. Effects of physico-chemical properties of ions-doped hydroxyapatite on adsorption and release performance of doxorubicin as a model anticancer drug,Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 276, 125440.

    7. Xiaodan Jiang; Dongqing Zhang; Ruixue Sun*; Huachun Wang; Yuyao Yang; Hongda Guo;Yuanzheng Tang. A combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study on doxorubicin adsorption on strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite hollow microspheres, Applied Surface Science, 2021, 542: 148667.

    8. Yi Zhao; Yanhui Qiu; ZiXuan Fang; Fangfang Pu; Ruixue Sun*; Kezheng Chen; Yuanzheng Tang. Preparation and characterization of Sr-substituted hydroxyapatite/reduced graphene oxide 3D scaffold as drug carrier for alendronate sodium delivery, Ceramics International, 2022, 48:36601-36608.

    9. Ruilian Ying, Huachun Wang, Ruixue Sun*, Kezheng Chen; Preparation and properties of a highly dispersed nano-hydroxyapatite colloid used as a reinforcing filler for chitosan, Materials Science & Engineering C, 2020,110:110689.

    10. Wentao Yu, Ruixue Sun*, Ziqiang Guo, Zhiyuan Wang, Yong He, Guangyi Lu, Panyu Chen, Kezheng Chen; Novel fluoridated hydroxyapatite/MAO composite coating on AZ31B magnesium alloy for biomedical application, Applied Surface Science, 2019,464:708-715.

    11. Qing Zhao, Dongqing Zhang, Ruixue Sun*, Shengcong Shang, Huachun Wang, Yuyao Yang, Lian Wang, Xiaokun Liu, Tianxiang Sun, Kezheng Chen; Adsorption behavior of drugs on hydroxyapatite with different morphologies: A combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study, Ceramics International, 2019, 45: 19522-19527.

    12. Shengcong Shang, Qing Zhao, Dongqing Zhang, Ruixue Sun*, Yuanzheng Tang; Molecular dynamics simulation of the adsorption behavior of two different drugs on hydroxyapatite and Zn-doped hydroxyapatite, Materials Science & Engineering C, 2019,105:110017.


    1. 刘晓伟; 孙瑞雪 ; Ti3C2Tx MXene表面纳米羟基磷灰石的原位生长及其药物负载与缓释性能研究,

2023中国生物材料大会, 重庆, 2023-10-12至2023-10-15 (会议报告)

    2. 孙瑞雪; 刘晓伟; 赵毅 ; 羟基磷灰石基复合材料的构建及其药物吸附与缓释性能研究, 2023中国生物

材料学会生物陶瓷分会学术年会暨第三届生物陶瓷材料大会, 温州, 2023-5-12至2023-5-14 (会议报告)

    3. 孙瑞雪; 蒋晓丹; 刘晓伟; 周泽翱 ; 聚多巴胺包覆羟基磷灰石中空微球的制备及其药物吸附性能, 第

一届生物材料与医疗器械赣江学术论坛, 江西南昌, 2023-4-7至2023-4-9 (会议报告)

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience

[1]  1998.9 to 2002.7
山东大学  | 材料科学与工程  | 工学学士
[2]  2002.9 to 2007.6
山东大学  | 材料学  | 工学博士

[1]   2020.10 to  Now
青岛科技大学  | 材料科学与工程学院  | 教授
[2]   2015.3  to  2019.3
山东大学  | 材料科学与工程  | 博士后
[3]   2011.4  to  2020.10
青岛科技大学  | 材料科学与工程学院  | 副教授
[4]   2007.7  to  2011.4
青岛科技大学  | 材料科学与工程学院  | 讲师