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Date of Employment:2005-05-10

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Fabrication of HCPT-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanohybrids via Co-assembly Method and Its Characterization

Release time:2023-10-19 Hits:

Key Words:Hydroxyl camptothecin; Layered double hydroxides; Co-assemble; Nanohybrids
Abstract:Hydroxyl camptothecin. layered double hydroxides(HCPT-LDH) nanohybrids were prepared by co-assembling between HCPT and Zn2Al-NO3 LDH nanosheets prepared using microchannel reactor, which indicated the obtained nanosheets could be used to fabricate LDH based drug delivery and controlled release system. After being treated with acetic acid, inactive carboxylate form HCPT transformed into bioactive lactone form HCPT. It is important for preparing high bioactive HCPT-LDH nanohybrids. The co-assembly method showed various remarkable advantages, such as simple procedure, short reation time, mild condition, high drug loading and good dispersity. Additionally, drug loading can be easily controlled by adjusting raw material ratios. HCPT molecules arrays aslant in double layers along longitudinal axis in the gallery of LDH. The nanohybrids showed well controlled release property and in vitro drug release kinetics from the nanohybrids could be fitted with the pseudo. second. order kinetic model. The diffusion of HCPT through the LDH particles played an important role in the control of the drug release.
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