- Recent advances in electrocatalytic upgrading of nitric oxide and beyond.344( ):
- Efficiently coupled glucose oxidation for high-value D-glucaric acid with ultradurable hydrogen via Mn(III) in acidic solution.16(8):
- MoS2 nanosheet arrays supported on hierarchical porous carbon with enhanced lithium storage properties.28(4):
- Facile surfactant-assisted synthesis of CTAB-incorporated MoS2 ultrathin nanosheets for efficient hydrogen evolution.6(20):
- Polypyrrole-assisted synthesis of roselike MoS<inf>2</inf>/nitrogen-containing carbon/graphene hybrids and their robust lithium storage performances.5(77):
- Polypyrrole-assisted synthesis of roselike MoS2/nitrogen-containing carbon/graphene hybrids and their robust lithium storage performances.5(77):
- Hydrothermal Synthesis and Effects on Morphology of Micron Materials of CeCO3OH.5(7):
- Facile Reflux Method Synthesis, Photo-Catalyst and Electrochemical Properties of Micro-Sized Subuliform CeO2.6(12):
- Controllable synthesis and electrochemical behavior of micro/nano octahedron ceria.163(1):
- Carbon encapsulated nanosheet-assembled MoS2 nanospheres with highly reversible lithium storage.304( ):