- 新工科视域下培养研究生创新实践能力的探索.34(132):
- 材料工程课程教学的改革与创新.34(7):
- Novel Thermoplastic Vulcanizates Prepared by Dynamic Vulcanization: Undergraduate Experiments for Polymers.(1):
- Hirarchical Multi-ferroic FeBiO3 Nanoparticles Prepared by A Facile Solvothermal Method: Undergraduate Experiments for Inorganic Chemistry.6(3):
- Novel Controlled Synthesis of CeO2 Hollow Microspheres by a Simple Hydrothermal Method: Undergraduate Experiments for Nanomaterials.6(3):
- 文献检索与专业英语结合型教学改革思考.32(5月刊):
- 材料科学与工程专业英语教学改革思考.32(5月刊):
- 论开放式培养模式对研究生创新实践能力的促进作用.33(128):
- MoS2 nanosheet arrays supported on hierarchical porous carbon with enhanced lithium storage properties.28(4):
- Environmentally friendly chemical route to vanadium oxide single-crystalline nanobelts as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries.110(19):