Polypyrrole-assisted synthesis of roselike MoS2/nitrogen-containing carbon/graphene hybrids and their robust lithium storage performances
- 发布时间:2021-03-15
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- 摘要:Roselike MoS2/nitrogen-containing carbon/graphene (MoS2/NC/G) hybrids were successfully synthesized via a facile polypyrrole (PPy)-assisted hydrothermal approach in combination with high-temperature calcination. The obtained MoS2/NC/G hybrids manifest roselike MoS2 composed of nanosheets coupled uniformly on NC/G nanosheets due to the strong interactions between MoS2 and the abundant nitrogen-containing functional groups of NC. When used as anode materials for lithium ion batteries, the MoS2/NC/G hybrids exhibit enhanced electrochemical energy storage performances compared to the bare MoS2 nanosheets, including high specific capacity (1570.6 mA h g(-1) at 0.1 A g(-1)), excellent rate capability (704.8 mA h g(-1) at 5 A g(-1)) and good cycling stability (96.4% capacity retention after 100 cycles at 0.2 A g(-1)). The enhanced lithium storage properties of the MoS2/NC/G hybrids can be ascribed to the boosted electronic conductivity arising from the novel hybrid nanostructures of MoS2/NC/G.
- 卷号:5
- 期号:77
- 是否译文:否