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The analysis of the double involute gear vibration based on the wavelet packet theory

Release time:2023-10-19  Hits:

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  • Abstract:The wavelet packet approach is a powerful tool in the signal processing. Due to its localization properties in both the time (space) and frequency (scale) domains, the vibration characteristic of the common involute gear and double involute gear can be analyzed and compared easily by the wavelet packets approach decomposing and reconstructing the signal's related frequency components. As a new kind of gear, how about the vibration characteristic of the double involute gear (DIG), compared with the common involute gear (CIG) in the same gear parameter and running condition? Whether the ladder-shaped of the double involute gear will bring the increment of the vibration or produce some other vibration components or not? The analysis indicates the lower noise, smaller vibration and better dynamics characteristic of the double involute gear than the common involute gear.
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  • Translation or Not:no