  • 白强
  • 工学博士

Educational Experience

  • 2007.92011.6

     青岛科技大学   无机非金属材料工程   工学学士 

  • 2019.92022.6

     青岛科技大学   材料科学与工程   工学博士 

  • 2011.92014.6

     青岛科技大学   材料加工工程   工学硕士 

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硕士生导师。2022年于青岛科技大学获得工学博士学位。2015年11月至今青岛科技大学材料科学与工程学院从事新型碳材料和纳米生物医学相关研究。主持山东省自然科学基金1项,横向项目1项。近3年来,以第一作者(共一)或通讯作者在Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Today, Nano Research, Chemistry of Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science等国际著名期刊发表SCI收录论文10余篇,其中ESI高被引论文3篇,累计SCI引用1000余次,H-index为20。担任 Acta Biomaterialia等国际著名期刊审稿人。主讲课程《纳米科学与技术》。参与山东省在线联盟开放课程《材料科学与工程虚拟仿真实验》。参与编写教材《实用材料科学与工程虚拟仿真实验教程》,化学工业出版社;《思政与实践案例:材料专业入学教育》,化学工业出版社。

ORCID IDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-3020-2415

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qiang-Bai-6

Researcher IDJSL-7802-2023(https://webofscience.clarivate.cn/wos/author/record/JSL-7802-2023



联系方式:Email: baiqiang@qust.edu.cn;电话:15806552305





主持  山东省自然科学基金 2024.01—2026.12

主持  横向课题 2023.04—

参与  国家自然科学基金 2024.01—2027.12

参与  山东省自然科学基金 2022.01—2024.12


(32) W. Feng, Y. Jiang, F. Ge, Q. Bai*J. Yang, L. Shang,  R. Cao, G. Niu, L. Wang*, Z. Zhu*N. Sui* Interconversion of sp-Hybridized Chemical Bonds Induces Piezoelectric Enhanced Photocatalysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 2024, 123868.


(31)  S. Liu, Q. Bai, Y. Jiang, Y. Gao, Z. Chen, L. Shang, S. Zhang, L. Yu, D. Yang, N. Sui*, Z. Zhu*, Multienzyme-like Nanozyme Encapsulated Ocular Microneedles for Keratitis Treatment, Small, 2023, 2308403.


(30) Q. Bai, K. Xiong, C. Zhang, L. Wang*, W. Han, Q. Zhu, F. Du, W.W. Yu*, N. Sui*, Boosting charge separation in graphdiyne quantum dots/hollow tubular carbon nitride heterojunction for water pollutant degradation. Journal of Colloid and lnterface Science. 2023, 646, 802-814.

(29) S. Shi, Y. Jiang, Y. Yu, M. Liang, Q. Bai, L. Wang, D. Yang, N. Sui*, Z. Zhu*, Piezo-Augmented and Photocatalytic Nanozyme Integrated Microneedles for Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Combination Therapy, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33(10), 2210850.


(28) M. Liang, L. Shang, Y. Yu, Y. Jiang, Q. Bai, J. Ma, D. Yang, N. Sui*, Z. Zhu*, Ultrasound Activatable Microneedles for Bilaterally Augmented Sono-Chemodynamic and Sonothermal Antibacterial Therapy, Acta Biomaterialia, 2023, 158, 811-826.


(27) Y. Yu, Y. Jiang, C. Zhang, Q. Bai(共一), F. Fu, S. Li, L. Wang, W. Yu, N. Sui*, Z. Zhu*, Machine Learning Assisted Graphdiyne Based Nanozyme Discovery, ACS Materials Letters, 2022, 4, 2134-2142.

(26) X. Sun, M. Duan, R. Li, Y. Meng, Q. Bai, L. Wang*, M. Liu, Z. Yang, Z. Zhu*, N. Sui*, Ultrathin Graphdiyne/Graphene Heterostructure as a Robust Electrochemical Sensing Platform, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(39), 13598-13606.


(25) C. Zhang, L. Chen, Q. Bai, L. Wang, S. Li, N. Sui*, D. Yang*, Z. Zhu*, Nonmetal Graphdiyne Nanozyme-Based Ferroptosis-Apoptosis Strategy for Colon Cancer Therapy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(24), 27720-27732.

(24) Q. Bai, J. Zhang, Y. Yu, C. Zhang, Y. Jiang, D. Yang, M. Liu, L. Wang, F. Du, N. Sui*, Z. Zhu*, Piezoelectric Activatable Nanozyme-Based Skin Patch for Rapid Wound Disinfection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(23), 26455-26468.


(23) J. Zhang, Q. Bai(共一), X. Bi, C. Zhang, M. Shi, W. Yu, F. Du, L. Wang, Z. Wang*, Z. Zhu*, N. Sui*, Piezoelectric Enhanced Peroxidase-like Activity of Metal-free Sulfur Doped Graphdiyne Nanosheets for Efficient Water Pollutant Degradation and Bacterial Disinfection, Nano Today, 2022, 43, 101429.(入选ESI高被引论文)


(22) Q. Bai, M. Liang, W. Wu, C. Zhang, X. Li, M. Liu, D. Yang, W. Yu, Q. Hu, L. Wang, F. Du, N. Sui*, Z. Zhu*, Plasmonic Nanozyme of Graphdiyne Nanowalls Wrapped Hollow Copper Sulfide Nanocubes for Rapid Bacteria-Killing, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32(20), 2112683.(入选ESI高被引论文)

(21) Z. Zhu*, H. Luo, T. Wang, C. Zhang, M. Liang, D. Yang, M. Liu, W. Yu, Q. Bai*, L. Wang*, N. Sui*, Plasmon Enhanced Peroxidase-like Activity of Nitrogen-doped Graphdiyne Oxide Quantum Dots/Gold-Silver Nanocage Heterostructures for Antimicrobial Applications, Chemistry of Materials, 2022, 34(3), 1356-1368.


(20) Q. Bai, H. Luo, S. Shi, S. Liu, L. Wang*, F. Du, Z. Yang, Z. Zhu*, N. Sui*, AuAg nanocages/graphdiyne for rapid elimination and detection of trace pathogenic bacteria, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 613, 376-383.

(19) M. Shi, X. Sun, Q. Bai, Y. Zhang, S. Yu, M. Liu, L. Wang, W. W. Yu, N. Sui, Graphdiyne/graphene heterostructure supported NiFe layered double hydroxides for oxygen evolution reaction, 2022, 637, 128217.

(18) X. Bi, Q. Bai, M. Liang, S. Li, L. Wang, J. Liu, W. Yu, N. Sui*, Z. Zhu*, Silver Peroxide Nanoparticles for Combined Antibacterial Sonodynamic and Photothermal Therapy, Small, 2022, 18, 2104160.

(17) X. Bi, Q. Bai(共一), L. Wang*, F. Du, M. Liu, W. Yu, S. Li, J. Li, Z. Zhu*, N. Sui*, J. Zhang*, Boron doped graphdiyne: a metal-free peroxidase mimetic nanozyme for antibacterial application, Nano Research, 2022, 15(2), 1446-1454.


(16) X. Li, M. Liang, S. Jiang, S. Cao, S. Li, Y. Gao, J. Liu, Q. Bai, N. Sui*, Z. Zhu*, Pomegranate-Like CuO2@SiO2 Nanospheres as a H2O2 Self-Supplying and Robust Oxygen Generator for Enhanced Antibacterial Activity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(19), 22169-22181.

(15) J. Liu, X. Li, L. Liu, Q. Bai, N. Sui*, Z. Zhu*, Self-assembled Ultrasmall Silver Nanoclusters on Liposome for Topical Antimicrobial Delivery, Colloid Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2021, 200, 111618.

(14) C. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Xiao, J. Zhang, L. Li, L. Wang, Q. Bai*, M. Liu, Z. Wang*, Ning Sui*, Superior catalytic performance and CO tolerance of PtCu/graphdiyne electrocatalyst toward methanol oxidation reaction, Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 612, 125960.

(13) Q. BaiC. Zhang, L. Li, Z. ZhuL. Wang*F. JiangM. LiuZ. WangW. W. YuF. Du*Z. Yang*N. Sui*Subsequent monitoring of ferric ion and ascorbic acid using graphdiyne quantum dots-based optical sensors, Microchimica Acta, 2020, 187, 657.


(12) T. Wang, Q. Bai共一, Z. Zhu*, H. Xiao, F. Jiang, F. Du*, W. Yu*, M. Liu, N. Sui*, Graphdiyne-supported palladium-iron nanosheets: A dual-functional peroxidase mimetic nanozyme for glutathione detection and antibacterial application, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 413, 127537.(入选ESI高被引论文)


(11) X. Li, S. Li, Q. Bai, N. Sui*, Z. Zhu*, Gold nanoclusters decorated amine-functionalized graphene oxide nanosheets for capture, oxidative stress, and photothermal destruction of bacteria, Colloid Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2020, 196, 111313.

(10) Z. Zhu*, Q. Bai, S. Li, S. Li, M. Liu, F. Du, N. Sui*, W. Yu, Antibacterial Activity of Graphdiyne and Graphdiyne Oxide, Small, 2020, 16, 2001440.


(9) N Sui, T. Wang, Q. Bai, R. Yu, H. Jiang, H. Xiao, M. Liu, L. Wang*, Z. Zhu*, W. Yu*, Facile synthesis of Ternary Au@PdNi core-shell nanoparticles with enhanced electrocatalytic performance for ethanol oxidation reaction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 817, 153335.

(8) N. Sui, H. Gao, J. Zhu, Q. Bai, H. Xiao, M. Liu, L. Wang, W. Yu, Shape- and size-dependences of gold nanostructures on the electrooxidation of methanol under visible light irradiation, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 18320-18328.

(7) N. Sui, R. Yue, Y. Wang, Q. Bai, R. An, H. Xiao, L. Wang, M. Liu, W.  Yu, Boosting methanol oxidation reaction with Au@AgPt yolk-shell nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 790, 792-798.

(6) S. Li, T. Wang, R. Yue, H. Wang, Q. Bai, H. Xiao, N. Sui, L. Wang, M. Liu, W.  Yu, PdFe Ultrathin Nanosheets for Highly Sensitive Detection of Nitrite, Electroanalysis, 2021, 5, 931.

(5) N. Sui, S. Li, Y. Wang, Q. Zhang, S. Liu, Q. Bai, H. Xiao, M. Liu, L. Wang, W. Yu, Etched PtCu nanowires as a peroxidase mimic for colorimetric determination of hydrogen peroxide, Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186.

(4) N. Sui, K. Wang, X. Shan, Q. Bai, L. Wang, H. Xiao, M. Liu, V. L. Colvin, W.  Yu, Facile synthesis of hollow dendritic Ag/Pt alloy nanoparticles for enhanced methanol oxidation efficiency, Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 15541-15548.

(3) N. Sui, K. Wang, L. Wang, F. Xie, T. Li, Q. Bai, D. Zhang, M. Liu, W. Yu, Ultrasensitive detection of Hg(II) through metal-enhanced fluorescence and hybridization chain reaction, Sensors and Actuators B, 2017, 245, 568-573.

(2) Q. Bai, D. Li, L. He, H. Xiao,N. Sui*, M. Liu, Solvent-free selective hydrogenation of o-chloronitrobenzene to o-chloroaniline over alumina supported Pt nanoparticles, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2015, 25, 179-184.

(1) M. Liu, Q. Bai,  H. Xiao, Y. Liu, W. W. Yu, Selective hydrogenation of o-chloronitrobenzene over tin dioxide supported platinum-ruthenium bimetallic nanocatalysts without solvent, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 232, 89-95.

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  • Education Level:博士研究生
  • Discipline:Material Science

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Sifang Campus-No.53 Zhengzhou Road, Qingdao City, Shandong Province
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Gaomi Campus-No. 1 Xingtan West Street, Gaomi City, Shandong Province
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