Paper Publications
Effects of Blend Ratio on Rheology, Morphology, Mechanical and Oil-Resistant Properties in Chlorinated Polyethylene Rubber and Copolyamide Blends.50(9):
Fluororubber superhydrophobic coating: preparation, characterisation, and EMI shielding performance.37(10):
Ultra-light poly(lactic acid)/SiO2 aerogel composite foam: A fully biodegradable and full life-cycle sustainable insulation material.192( ):
Shape memory function of trans-1,4-polyisoprene prepared by radiation crosslinking with a supercritical CO2 foaming.189( ):
Lightweight and flexible silicone rubber foam with dopamine grafted multi-walled carbon nanotubes and silver nanoparticles using supercritical foaming technology: Its preparation and electromagnetic interference shielding performance.161( ):
Influence of Compatibilizers and Processing Temperature on Microcellular Injection-Molded Polypropylene/(Waste Tire Powder) Composites.17(4):
Expanded Waste Ground Rubber Tire Powder/Polypropylene Composites: Processing-Structure Relationships.43(24):