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080500 材料科学与工程

085601 材料工程

1. Hongbiao Li, Yaqi Xu, Xiaozheng Su, Xing Tian, Jianhua Yu, Jing Sui, Yingjie Chen, Qian Zhang, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, Effects of reaction temperature and contact mode between reagents on Cu(OH)2 micro/nanostructures and their supercapacitive properties, Solid State Sciences, 147 (2024) 107386.
2. Qian Zhang, Chaozhe Zhang, Hongbiao Li, Jianhua Yu, Hongzhou Dong, Jing Sui, Yingjie Chen, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, Investigation of CuxS-based electrode for one-dimensional flexible supercapacitors and its electrochemical performances, Vacuum, 213 (2023) 112161.
3. Qian Zhang, Chaozhe Zhang, Fengjian Yang, Jianhua Yu, Hongzhou Dong, Jing Sui, Yingjie Chen, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, High performance fiber-shaped flexible asymmetric supercapacitor based on MnO2 nanostructure composited with CuO nanowires and carbon nanotubes, Ceramics International, 48 (2022) 13996-14003.
4. Chaozhe Zhang, Hongbiao Li, Jianhua Yu, Jing Sui, Hongzhou Dong, Yingjie Chen, Qian Zhang, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, In-situ preparation of carbon nanotubes on CuO nanowire via chemical vapor deposition and their growth mechanism investigation, Vacuum, 204 (2022) 111337.
5. Jianhua Yu, Xu Li, Di Chen, Xiancai Pang, Yingjie Chen, Zhenxing Cui, Tingsong Gao, Qian Zhang, Jing Sui, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, Soybean root-derived heteroatoms co-doped porous carbon with ultra-high specific surface area for high performance supercapacitors, Diamond & Related Materials, 126 (2022) 109044.
6. Qian Zhang, Fengjian Yang, Chaozhe Zhang, Hongzhou Dong, Jing Sui, Liyan Yu, Yingjie Chen, Jianhua Yu, Lifeng Dong, A novel wire-shaped supercapacitor based on MnO2 nanoflakes and carbon nanotubes with high performance synthesized by sacrificial template method, Applied Surface Science, 551 (2021) 149417.
7. Jianhua Yu, Xu Li, Zhenxing Cui, Di Chen, Xiancai Pang, Qian Zhang, Feifei Shao, Hongzhou Dong, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, Tailoring in-situ N, O, P, S-doped soybean-derived porous carbon with ultrahigh capacitance in both acidic and alkaline media, Renewable Energy, 163 (2021) 375-385.
8. Yingjie Chen, Chong Gong, Zhihao Shi, Di Chen, Xing Chen, Qian Zhang, Beili Pang, Jianguang Feng, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, Molten-salt-assisted synthesis of onion-like Co/CoO@FeNC materials with boosting reversible oxygen electrocatalysis for rechargeable Zn-air battery, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 596 (2021) 206-214.
9. Di Chen, Guofu Li, Xing Chen, Qian Zhang, Jing Sui, Chengjie Li, Yingchao Zhang, Jing Hu, Jianhua Yu, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, Developing nitrogen and Co/Fe/Ni multi-doped carbon nanotubes as high-performance bifunctional catalyst for rechargeable zinc-air battery, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 593 (2021) 204-213.
10. Qian Zhang, Fengjian Yang, Hongzhou Dong, Jianhua Yu, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, Application of SiO2 spheres in the synthesis of coiled carbon nanofibers with high purity, Diamond and Related Materials, 102 (2020) 107664.
11. Qian Zhang, Fengjian Yang, Jikuan Zhao, Qingqing Zhang, Xiangfang Wu, Jianhua Yu, Lifeng Dong, Carbon rods with hexa-branched structure and their formation mechanism, Materials Letters, 262 (2020) 127198.
12.    Jianhua Yu, Zhenxing Cui, Xu Li, Di Chen, J. W. Ji, Qian Zhang, Jing Sui, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, Facile fabrication of ZIF-derived graphene-based 2D Zn/Co oxide hybrid for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 27 (2020) 101165.
13. Di Chen, Xing Chen, Zhenxing Cui, Guofu Li, Bing Han, Qian Zhang, Jing Sui, Hongzhou Dong, Jianhua Yu, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, Dual-active-site hierarchical architecture containing NiFe-LDH and ZIF-derived carbon-based framework composite as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts for durable rechargeable Zn-air batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal, 399 (2020) 125718.
14. Di Chen, Jianhua Yu, Zhenxing Cui, Qian Zhang, Xing Chen, Jing Sui, Hongzhou Dong, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong, Hierarchical architecture derived from two-dimensional zeolitic imidazolate frameworks as an efficient metal-based bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst for rechargeable Zn-air batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 331 (2020) 135394.
15. Qian Zhang, Xiangfang Wu, Qingqing Zhang, Fengjian Yang, Hongzhou Dong, Jing Sui, Lifeng Dong, One-step hydrothermal synthesis of MnO2/graphene composite for electrochemical energy storage,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 837 (2019) 108-115.
16. Qian Zhang, Qingqing Zhang, Xiangfang Wu, Jianhua Yu, Hongzhou Dong, Lifeng Dong, Preparation of urchin-like carbon fibers/AlSi12 and their growth mechanism investigation, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 227 (2019) 313-317.
17. Xiangfang Wu, Fengjian Yang, Hongzhou Dong, Jing Sui, Qian Zhang, Jianhua Yu, Qingqing Zhang, Lifeng Dong, Controllable synthesis of MnO2 with different structures for supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 848 (2019) 113332.
18. Qian Zhang, Xiangfang Wu, Qingqing Zhang, Hongzhou, Jianhua Yu, Lifeng Dong, Synthesis of multilayered carbon fiber arrays and their growth mechanism, Materials Letters, 222 (2018) 109-112.
19. Qian Zhang, Qiuxiang Wang, Meijuan Tian, Jianhua Yu, Jing Sui and Lifeng Dong, A simple method to synthesize carbon nanofibers with a parallel growth mode and their capacitive properties. Materials Research Express, 1 (2014) 035602.
20. Qiuxiang Wang, Qian Zhang, Liping Chen, Liyan Yu, Lifeng Dong,A simple method to synthesize multi-branched carbon fibers using cupric chloride aqueous solution as catalyst precursor, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 30 (2014) 917-921.
21. Jing Sui, Lei Cao, Qianqian Zhu, Liyan Yu, Qian Zhang. Effects of proton- conducting electrolyte microstructure on the performance of electrolyte supported solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Renewable Sustainable Energy, 5 (2013) 021412.  
22. Qian Zhang, Fanglin Du, Lifeng Dong, Chuncheng Hao, Formation of carbon fiber florets using copper tartrate catalyst precursors, Materials Letters, 65 (2011) 2779-2782.
23. Qian Zhang, Zuolin Cui, Synthesis and characterization of Y-shaped carbon fibers by chemical vapor deposition, Materials Letters, 63 (2009) 850-851.
24. Qian Zhang, Liyan Yu, Zuolin Cui, Effects of the size of nano-copper catalysts and reaction temperature on the morphology of carbon fibers, Materials Research Bulletin, 43 (2008) 735-742.

1994.9  to  1998.7

2001.9  to  2004.7

2006.9  to  2009.6

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