• English

  • 青岛科技大学


基于数学建模的“三轴联动、五层递进”研究生创新能力培养模式的研究与实践 -----第九届山东省省级教学成果奖佐证材料一、成果曾获奖励二、团队主要成员指导研究生数学建模竞赛获奖统计三、我校连续12年获“中国研究生数学建模竞赛优秀组织奖”荣誉称号四、团队主要成员获批教研项目五、团队主要成员获批课程立项六、团队主要成员的教学论文和教材七、成果推广应用证明



发布时间:2024-12-23 点击次数:

  • 摘要:Reliable long-term wave data are significant for understanding changes and variability of ocean waves, which has important implications for coastal engineering, land erosion, and coastal flooding. This study develops a regression-guided weather-type statistical method for modelling regional or global significant wave height Hs. The model classifies the atmospheric circulation patterns (predictor) through the regression-guided clustering approach, linking the atmospheric circulation with clustered regional Hs (predictand). It is applied in the Chinese marginal seas and also the global ocean. A comprehensive skill assessment shows robust skill and computationally efficiency of the model in capturing climatology and variability of both mean and extreme Hs in the Chinese marginal seas and global oceans. Furthermore, the reconstructed global Hs data show similar seasonal trends as the ERA5 data, with a gradual decrease in Hs observed during boreal summer in the central Pacific and western North Atlantic regions at lower latitudes. This method proves to be robust for both regional and global Hs reconstruction, and also applicable for Hs climate prediction and projections.
  • 卷号:304
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