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  • 青岛科技大学


基于数学建模的“三轴联动、五层递进”研究生创新能力培养模式的研究与实践 -----第九届山东省省级教学成果奖佐证材料一、成果曾获奖励二、团队主要成员指导研究生数学建模竞赛获奖统计三、我校连续12年获“中国研究生数学建模竞赛优秀组织奖”荣誉称号四、团队主要成员获批教研项目五、团队主要成员获批课程立项六、团队主要成员的教学论文和教材七、成果推广应用证明


Profile Autonomous Underwater Vehicle System for Offshore Surveys

发布时间:2023-10-19 点击次数:

  • 关键字:DESIGN; AUV
  • 摘要:Offshore marine engineering, offshore aquaculture, and offshore environmental protection require periodic offshore surveys. At present, the main means of offshore marine surveys are mooring buoys and marine survey ships. Anchored buoys are fixed in place for a long time, which affects the navigation of ships. Therefore, mooring buoys cannot be deployed over a large area with high density. The cost of marine survey ships is high, especially when multipoint synchronous marine surveys are needed, and marine survey ships cannot perform offshore surveys under bad sea conditions. A profile autonomous underwater vehicle system is developed to meet the requirements of multipoint short-term synchronous offshore surveys. It is a small, reusable, low-cost equipment designed to move up and down at a mooring position while measuring temperature, salinity, depth, and other quantities along a vertical water section. Profile autonomous underwater vehicles can be commanded remotely and report their measurements in near real-time via wireless telemetry. The time it takes for a profile AUV to move up and down can indicate the current velocity. Tests were carried out on a wharf and in offshore areas, and the results were satisfactory.
  • 卷号:23
  • 期号:7
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