- Creating smart chlorine-resistant polyamide reverse osmosis membranes via self-healing temperature-responsive nanocontainer functionalization.500( ):
- SiC量子点敏化g-C_3N_4光阳极在光催化燃料电池中的应用.v.37;No.154(04):
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- Enhanced electrorheological characteristics of titanium oxide@H2Ti2O5 nanotube core/shell nanocomposite.(578):
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- 聚酰亚胺/改性六方氮化硼复合薄膜的 耐电晕性能研究.(4):
- 聚酰亚胺/改性六方氮化硼复合薄膜的耐电晕性能研究.v.51(04):
- Effect of nucleating agents on the electrical properties of cross-linked polyethylene under tensile stress.9(2):
- Co-contributions of the magnetostriction and magnetoresistance to the giant room temperature magnetodielectric response in multiferroic composite thin films.151(14-15):
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