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Study on Deviation of Conveyor Belt Based on Multi-body Dynamics Characteristics

Release time:2021-03-15  Hits:

  • Key Words:Belt conveyors;Belt drives - Rollers (machine components) - Viscoelasticity
  • Abstract:Deviation of conveyor belt is the most common fault during the operation of belt conveyor. In order to study the movement regularity of the conveyor belt and the influence of various factors on it, a multi-body dynamics method is proposed to discretely process the belt drive system. According to the rigid flexible multi body coupling contact between the conveyor belt and the roller, a multi-body nonlinear contact dynamic model of belt drive system is established. The influence of the cylinder parallelism, viscoelastic characteristics, operating state and the depth of the conveyer belt to the displacement of the conveyer belt is studied, and the influence of conveyor belt deviation on the reliability of active drum is studied on this basis. The results show that the displacement of the conveyer belt is not only related to its force, but also related to the elastic deformation caused by the viscoelastic properties of the material. There is a monotonous and increasing relationship between the parallelism tolerance of the roller and the displacement of the conveyor belt. The viscoelastic properties of the conveyer belt can determine the depth of the pressure subsidence between the conveyer belt and the roller, and the displacement of the conveyer belt increases with the increase of the depth of the pressure. In addition, the higher the speed of the conveyor belt, the longer the transport distance, the greater the offset of the conveyer belt. and the deviation of the conveyor belt will lead to changes in the stress, strain and distribution of the active drum, which will reduce the service life of the active roller.<br/> © 2020 Journal of Mechanical Engineering.
  • Volume:56
  • Issue:1
  • Translation or Not:no