青岛科技大学  English 





An Improved Data-Driven Point-to-Point ILC Using Additional On-Line Control Inputs with Experimental Verification

关键字:Two term control systems;Batch reactors - Iterative methods - Linear motors - Permanent magnets

摘要:In this paper, an improved data-driven point-to-point iterative learning control is proposed for nonlinear repetitive systems where only the system outputs at the multiple intermediate prespecified points are considered. The entire finite time interval is divided into multiple time-subintervals according to the prespecified points. Then a new objective function is designed to generate optimal control inputs over a time-subinterval piecewisely. As a result, the control inputs are updated in a time-subinterval wise using additional input signals from the previous time-subintervals of the same iteration to help improving control performance. By removing the constraints on the unimportant intermediate points, the control system can be designed with additional freedom to achieve a better performance in tracking points of interest. Meanwhile, the proposed approach is data-driven and no process model is required for the control system design and analysis. Both a simulation with nonlinear batch reactor and an experiment with a permanent magnet linear motor servomechanism are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.<br/> © 2017 IEEE.




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