青岛科技大学  English 





3-D Learning-Enhanced Adaptive ILC for Iteration-Varying Formation Tasks

关键字:Two term control systems;Adaptive control systems - Iterative methods - Learning algorithms - Linearization - Multi agent systems

摘要:This paper explores the formation control problem of repetitive nonlinear homogeneous and asynchronous multiagent networks, where the early starting agent is designated as the parent, and the later starting agent with a small delayed time is designated as the child. Moreover, the desired formation reference is allowed to be different from iteration to iteration. A space-dimensional dynamic linearization method is presented to build the linear dynamic relationship between two parent-child agents in a networked system. Then, a 3-D learning-enhanced adaptive iterative learning control (3D-AILC) is proposed by utilizing the additional control information from previous time instants, iterative operations, and parent agents. In other words, the proposed method processes 3-D dynamics to strengthen its learnability, i.e., time dimension, iteration dimension, and space dimension. The desired formation signal is incorporated into the learning control law to compensate its iterative variation to achieve a fast and precise tracking performance. The proposed 3D-AILC is data based and does not use an explicit mechanistic model. The validity of the proposed approach is proven theoretically and tested through simulations as well. Moreover, the proposed method also works well with time-iteration-varying topologies and nonrepetitive uncertainties.<br/> © 2012 IEEE.




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