青岛科技大学  English 





Stochastic high-order internal model-based adaptive TILC with random uncertainties in initial states and desired reference points

关键字:data-driven control; adaptive terminal iterative learning control; high-order internal model; random initial states; iteration-varying referenced terminal point

摘要:Many practical batch processes operate repetitively in industry and lack intermediate measurements for the interested process variables. Moreover, the initial states as well as the desired product objective often vary with different runs because of the existence of many uncertainties in practice. This work proposes a novel adaptive terminal iterative learning control method to deal with random uncertainties in desired terminal points and initial states. The run-varying initial states are formulated by a stochastic high-order internal model, which is further incorporated into the controller design. The desired terminal output is run dependent and is directly compensated like a feedback term in the controller. Only the system output at the endpoint of an operation is utilized to update the control signal. An estimation algorithm is designed to update the system Markov parameters as a whole. No explicit model information is involved in the controller design; thus, the proposed method is data driven and can be applied to nonlinear systems directly. Both the theoretical analysis and the simulation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach under random initial states and iteration-varying referenced terminal points. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.




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