- “双一流”背景下理工类本科人才培养.No.326(36):
- Helical Conformations of Poly(3,5-disubstituted phenylacetylene)s Tuned by Pendant Structure and Solvent.50(9):
- Two-Dimensional Crystallization of Rylene Diimide Based n-Type Semiconductors Tuned by the Dimensions of the Aromatic Core at the Liquid-Solid Interface.12(10):
- Tunable molecular packing modes via H- or J-aggregates in the supramolecular helical nanostructures from an achiral C-3 symmetric molecule.19(26):
- Self-assembly of Chiral bisbenzocoumarins and recognition to Chiral phenylethanol thereof.216( ):
- An enzyme-responsive electrochemical DNA biosensor achieving various dynamic range by using only-one immobilization probe.1251( ):
- 2,5,8,11-Tetraalkenyl Perylene Bisimides: Direct Regioselective Synthesis and Enhanced pi-pi Stacking Interaction.18(22):
- Side-functionalized two-dimensional polymers synthesized via on-surface Schiff-base coupling.51(41):
- Co-assembly of donor and acceptor towards organogels tuned by charge transfer interaction strength.13(10):
- Nano-mechanical characterization of disassembling amyloid fibrils using the Peak Force QNM method.107(2):