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Effect of flame retardants on mechanical properties, flammability and foamability of PP/wood-fiber composites

Key Words:Foams; Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs); Wood; Mechanical properties; Polypropylene
Abstract:The mechanical properties, flame retardancy, thermal degradation and foaming properties of wood-fiber/PP composites have been investigated. Ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and silica were used as flame retardants. The limiting oxygen index (LOI), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and cone colorimeter (CONE) were employed for the study of fire retardance. At the same time, wood-fiber/PP composite foams were produced with the batch foaming technique using CO2 as blowing agent. The effects of APP and silica content, pressure and temperature on the final cell structure were investigated. According to LOI, TGA and cone calorimeter results obtained from the experiments, APP and silica are effective flame retardants for wood-fiber/PP composites, and silica was shown to have a flame retardant synergistic effect with APP in wood-fiber/PP composite. The mechanical properties of the composites decreased with addition of flame retardants, except for the tensile strength of small amount of silica filled wood-fiber/PP composite. The results also revealed that the cellular morphologies of the foamed wood-fiber/PP composites are a strong function of the content of APP and silica as well as foaming conditions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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