谢广文   Professor

谢广文,教授,博士,长期从事纳米材料、微晶与非晶态材料研究与应用,在纳米材料表面改性、非晶态催化材料等领域取得了许多创新性成果。近年来在《燃料化学学报》、Chemical Engineering Journal、Carbon、Green Energy & Environment、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Applied Surface Science、 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Power Sources、Renewable Energy、Surface and Coatings Technolo...Detials

Magnetic properties of Ni-Co-B coated carbon nanofibers

Release time:2021-03-15  Hits:

  • Key Words:carbon nanofibers; coatings; electroless plating; magnetic properties
  • Abstract:Continuous and uniform Ni-Co-B coatings were successfully deposited onto carbon nanofibers via electroless plating. SEM images of the prepared Ni-Co-B coated carbon nanofibers were presented. The magnetic properties of the coated carbon nanofibers were investigated. The CoSO4/(CoSO4 + NiSO4) ratio in the electroless bath has obvious influence on the coercivity and residual magnetic flux density of the Ni-Co-B coated carbon nanofibers.
  • Volume:29
  • Issue:4
  • Translation or Not:no