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Influence of solubility on the particle size of fluorides crystalline precipitated from aqueous solutions

Release time:2023-10-19 Hits:

Key Words:solubility; fluorides; precipitation; nano-crystalline; nanomaterials
Abstract:The nano-crystalline particles of LaF3 and BaF2, as well as the submicro-crystalline particles of NaF, were synthesized with the method of direct precipitation from aqueous solutions. The average grain size of the particles analyzed with XRD and TEM was 17, 80 and 600 nm, respectively. The solubility product constant (K-sp, (0)) of the obtained fluoride has great influences on the average grain size of the synthesized fluorides crystalline. A theoretic explanation of the relationship between the average grain size and K-sp (0) was put forward. According to the theoretic description, particle size of other fluorides crystalline synthesized via the same method can be approximately predicted. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.
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