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Home > Scientific Research > Paper Publications

Mullins effect and its reversibility of compatibilised thermoplastic vulcanisates based on high impact polystyrene/high vinyl polybutadiene rubber blend

Release time:2021-03-15 Hits:

Key Words:HIPS; HVPBR; Mullins effect; Reversibility; Thermoplastic vulcanisates
Abstract:Mullins effect under cyclic loading-unloading tests, in uniaxial tension and uniaxial compression, together with its reversibility of high impact polystyrene/high vinyl polybutadiene rubber (HVPBR) thermoplastic vulcanisate (TPV), was investigated systematically, where styrene-butadiene-styrene was used as a compatibiliser. Morphology studies showed that sphere-like HVPBR particles were dispersed evenly in the etched TPV surface with diameters of 4-6 mm. The Mullins effect was evaluated under cyclic loading-unloading tests. Experimental results indicated that an obvious stress softening phenomenon could be observed obviously in the uniaxial loading-unloading cycles in tension and compression tests. The maximum stress during loading-unloading cycle could recover partially; moreover, the maximum stress recovery ability could be remarkably enhanced by increasing heat treatment temperature.
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