- The synergetic degradation of organic pollutants and removal of Cr(VI) in a multifunctional dual-chamber photocatalytic fuel cell with Ag@Fe2O3 cathode.281( ):
- Enhanced Catalytic Performance of FeCoNi/N-Doped Carbon Nanospheres as Bifunctional Oxygen Catalysts.169(4):
- Effects of hydronium and hydroxide ion/group on oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalytic activities of N-doped graphene quantum dots.517(无):
- A novel sol-gel strategy for N, P dual-doped mesoporous carbon with high specific capacitance and energy density for advanced supercapacitors.393( ):
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- The enhanced photocatalytic activity of Ag-Fe2O3-TiO2 performed in Z-scheme route associated with localized surface plasmon resonance effect.628( ):
- Enhanced photoelectrical performance of dye-sensitized solar cells with double-layer TiO2 on perovskite SrTiO3 substrate.122(4):
- Improved Photoelectrical Performance of Single-Crystal TiO2 Nanorod Arrays by Surface Sensitization with Copper Quantum Dots.1(7):
- 钙钛矿敏化TiO_2-SrTiO_3纳米棒太阳能电池的制备及性能研究.v.37;No.163(06):
- 高校教师“教”与“研”的博弈与共赢.No.159(01):