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Synergistic operation of photocatalytic degradation and Fenton process by magnetic Fe3O4 loaded TiO2

  • 发布时间:2023-10-19
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  • 关键字:Magnetic immobilization
  • 摘要:The magnetic Fe3O4 loaded anatase TiO2 photocatalysts with different mass ratios were successfully synthesized by a one-step convenient calcining method. The morphology and structure analysis revealed that Fe3O4 was formed in TiO2 with very fine-grained particles. After a small amount of Fe3O4 loaded onto TiO2, the photocatalytic property enhanced obviously for the degradation of organic dye. Furthermore, the photo-Fenton-like catalysis of the iron-containing samples could also be induced after the addition of hydrogen peroxide. The apparent kinetic constant of the reaction that catalyzed by Fe-TiO2 was about 5.3 and 8.3 times of that catalyzed by TiO2 or Fe3O4 only, respectively, proving an effective synergistic contribution of the photocatalysis and Fenton reaction in the composite. Compared with Fe3O4 or free Fe3+ ions, only 13% of iron in TiO2 dissolved into acidic solution (25% for Fe3O4 and 100% for Fe3+) after the reaction, which confirmed the iron had been well immobilized onto TiO2. In addition, the extremely stable photocatalytic activity in cycling experiments proved the immobilized iron had been tightly attached onto TiO2, indicating the great potential of the catalyst for practical applications. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 卷号:430
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