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Date of Employment:2005-05-10

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Comparison between the effects of partial replacement of carbon black by carbon nanotubes and graphene on the performances of natural rubber composites

Release time:2023-10-19 Hits:

Abstract:To investigate comparatively the performances of natural rubber (NR) composites modified with graphene (Gr) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs), NR vulcanizates were prepared by partially replacing the carbon black with 3 phr Gr or CNTs, the properties such as cure, mechanical properties, tensile fatigue, wear resistance, and so on, were investigated. Results showed that both Gr and CNTs could lift the crosslinking density, lower the rolling resistance, and wet-skid resistance of NR composites. In relative to CNTs, Gr degraded the manufacturing safety and cure rate of NR, displayed higher reinforcing effect than CNTs by upgrading tensile strength, modulus, and hardness. Besides, Gr/NR composite demonstrated better aging resistance than CNTs/NR. In comparison to Gr, CNTs could lift the manufacturing safety and cure rate of NR, maintain higher tear strength, result in better tensile fatigue resistance and wear resistance, reduce the heat buildup and the permanent compression set, further lower rolling resistance of NR while maintaining relatively higher wet-skid resistance.
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