Multidimensional defects tailoring local electron and Mg2 diffusion channels for boosting magnesium storage performance of WO3/MoO2
- 发布时间:2024-12-24
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- 摘要:Defect engineering presents great promise in addressing lower specific capacity, sluggish diffusion kinetics and poor cycling life issues in energy storage devices. Herein, multidimensional (0D/2D/3D) structural defects are constructed in WO3/MoO2 simultaneously via competing for and sharing with O atoms during simple hydrothermal process. 0D and 2D defects tailor local electron, activating more sites and generating built-in electric fields to yield ion reservoir, meanwhile, 3D defect owning lower anisotropic property tailors Mg2 diffusion channels to fully exploit Mg2 adsorbed sites induced by 0D and 2D defects, enhance the kinetics and maintain structural stability. Benefitted from synergistic effect of 0D/2D/3D structural defects, the designed WO3/MoO2 shows the higher specific capacity (112.8 mA h g-1 at 50 mA g-1 with average attenuation rate per cycle of 0.068%), superior rate capability and excellent cycling stability (specific capacity retention of 80% after 1500 cycles at 1000 mA g-1). This strategy provides design ideas of introducing multidimensional structural defects for tailoring local electron and microstructure to improve energy storage property. & COPY; 2023 Science Press and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. and Science Press. All rights reserved.
- 卷号:84
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- 是否译文:否