Pt-surface oxygen vacancies coupling accelerated photo-charge extraction and activated hydrogen evolution
- 发布时间:2024-01-19
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- 关键字:oxygen vacanciesco-catalystsurface hydroxylphotocatalytichydrogen evolution reaction (HER)
- 摘要:Semiconductors-based heterogeneous photocatalytic water splitting has been extensively studied, but it still remains challenging to accelerate the separation of electron-hole pairs and facilitate the reaction kinetics. Here we report a general strategy to fabricate highly efficient Pt/TiO2 photocatalyst by coupling the Pt co-catalysts and surface oxygen vacancies (V-O) of TiO2. TiO2 was pre-modified with alkali or alkaline earth metals ion solutions, which produce a large number of surface hydroxyl on TiO2. Subsequently, the photodeposited Pt sub-nanoparticles substitute surface hydroxyl and induce surface V-O on TiO2. The coupling of Pt and surface V-O on TiO2 can accelerate the extraction of photo-charges through the interaction of Pt-V-O-Ti bonds and reduce the hydrogen evolution barrier, thereby promoting the photocatalytic activity. The synthesized Pt-V-O-TiO2 sample exhibits a photocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity as high as 1.5 L.g(-1).h(-1), which is 2.2 times that of traditional Pt/TiO2. Our findings in-depth understand the synergistic effect of co-catalysts and defects on photocatalysis and open up new possibilities for achieving robust photocatalytic water splitting.
- 卷号:16
- 期号:4
- 是否译文:否