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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates


Education Level:博士研究生

Discipline:High Voltage and Electrical Insulation Engineering



Education Level:博士研究生

Paper Publications

Effect of magnetic particle size in semi-conductive layer on charge accumulation within insulation layer of HVDC cable

Abstract:The key problem limiting the development of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) cable is the space charge accumulation within the insulation layer. A method is proposed to reduce the accumulation of space charge of cable insulation by a semi-conductive layer modified by magnetic particles. The physical essence is to change the charge migration path by the action of the Lorentz force in the semi-conductive layer. SrFe12O19 particles with different particle sizes from 80 nm to 1000 nm are prepared by the sol-gel self-combustion method. The magnetic properties and resistivity of the semi-conductive layer composites with various particle sizes are investigated. In addition, the effect of the semi-conductive layer electrode for charge accumulation in the insulation layer is studied. Finally, the relationship among SrFe12O19 particle size, magnetization intensity of the semi-conductive layer, and charge inhibition effect of the insulation layer is analyzed. The results of the experiments demonstrate that residual magnetization of magnetic particles has a significant impact on the space charge suppression. When SrFe12O19 particle size is 200 nm, the charge inhibition effect is the best. This work can provide a new view for the charge suppression of insulation layer.
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