Language : English

Paper Publications

Intercalation Synthesis of Prussian Blue Analogue Nanocone and Their Conversion into Fe-Doped Co<inf>x</inf>P Nanocone for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution


Key Words:Cobalt compounds;Hydrogen - Nanostructures - Phosphorus compounds

Abstract:Compared with the monometallic phosphides, bimetallic phosphides can further improve the catalytic performance for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). As such, the rational design and facile synthesis of bimetallic-based phosphides with well-controlled architectures and compositions is of scientific and technological importance. In this work, Fe-Co Prussian blue analogue (PBA) nanocones (NCs) have been successfully fabricated via an intercalation reaction strategy by utilizing layer structured α-Co(OH)<inf>2</inf> NCs as self-sacrificing templates. After calcination and phosphorization process, Fe-Co PBA NCs can be converted to Fe-doped Co<inf>x</inf>P NCs without obvious shrinkage. Electrochemical tests show that Fe incorporation can effectively promote the electrocatalytic activities of Co<inf>x</inf>P. This simple and effective method will be of benefit for the development of other functional Co-based bimetallic compounds. Furthermore, this strategy can possibly be extended to fabricate a series of PBA materials with special structure and novel morphology, which can serve as a promising platform for diverse applications, especially in energy storage and conversion.<br/> © Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society.



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