Hierarchical Tubular Architecture Constructed by Vertically Aligned CoS2-MoS2 Nanosheets for Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis

Release time:2021-03-15| Hits:

Key Words:Electrochemical detection; Hydrogen peroxide; Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles; Polyamidoamine dendrimer

Abstract:Herein we described a new electrochemical strategy for the detection of hydrogen peroxide employing Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles and polyamidoamine dendrimer (PAMAM). Both of them were modified on the surface of gold electrode as the work electrode. The detection of H2O2 was studied by the method of Amperometric i-t Curve. Under the optimized experimental conditions, H2O2 could be detected in a linear calibration range of 2.0 x 10(-5)-1.0 x 10(-3) M with a correlation coefficient of 0.9950 (n = 10), the detection limit was 2.0 x 10(-6) M (3 sigma) and the recovery ratio was 96.9-108.1 %, which indicated that the accuracy of this method is excellent. The modified electrodes display excellent electrochemical performance, high sensitivity, good reproducibility, and long-term stability.



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