青岛科技大学  English 





Research on phase information in measure system to cable insulation parameters

关键字:Edge detection;Cable sheathing - Feature extraction - Insulating materials - Insulation - Object detection - Wavelet transforms;Cable insulation - Cable insulation layer - Feature detection - Gabor wavelet transforms - Image edge detection - Log Gabor wavelet transform - Phase congruency - Phase information

摘要:The algorithm for image edge detection based on phase information is getting more and more application in image feature detection. After verifying the importance and stability of phase information in image processing, the importance of phase information and the application in feature detection are discussed, and then, phase congruency function is studied on. With analysing the relation between phase congruency function and local energy function, this thesis chooses Log Gabor wavelet transform to calculate local energy function compared with Gabor wavelet transform. Moreover, phase congruency function is applied to detect object image edge. This method needs hypothesize nothing about images in advance. and it is just to pick up target irnage edge based on the signal phase"s strend toward consisteney in Fourier transform domain. Finally, the thesis makes use of algorithm for image edge detection based on phase information to obtain image edge with cable insulation layer as detected object. The experimental results prove that the algorithm for image edge deteetion based on phase information can bring into the effect. Moreover, the algorithm effectively detects image edge and exactly gets the diameter parameter. &copy; 2009 IEEE.<br/>



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