Thiophene-based rhodamine as selectivef luorescence probe for Fe(III) and Al(III) in living cells
摘要:Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is well-known as a kind of autoimmune disease, which brings unbearable pain to the patients by multiple organ complications besides arthritis. To date, RA can be hardly cured, but early diagnosis and standard treatment can relieve symptoms and pain. Therefore, an effective tool to assist the early diagnosis of RA deserves considerable attention. On account of the overexpressed ONOO- during the early stage of RA, a near-infrared (NIR) receptor, Lyso-Cy, is proposed in this work by linker chemistry to expand the conjugated rhodamine framework by cyanine groups. Contributed by the pH-sensitive spiral ring in rhodamine, receptor Lyso-Cy has been found to be workable in lysosomes specifically, which was confirmed by the pH-dependent spectra with a narrow responding region and a well-calculated pK(a) value of 5.81. We presented an excellent ratiometric sensing protocol for ONOO- in an acidic environment, which was also available for targeting ONOO- in lysosomes selectively. This innovative dual-targeting responsive design is expected to be promising for assisting RA diagnosis at an early stage with respect to the joint inflammatory model established in this work at the organism level.