青岛科技大学  English 





Data-Driven Stochastic Optimal Iterative Learning Control for Nonlinear Non-Affine Systems With Measurement Data Loss

关键字:Data-driven control; stochastic optimal ILC; nonlinear network systems; measurement data loss

摘要:In this paper, the measurement data loss is considered and two data-driven stochastic optimal iterative learning control (DDSOILC) methods are presented directly for nonlinear network systems. Specifically, an iterative dynamic linearization (IDL) is adopted to construct the linear incremental input output relationship of the repetitive nonlinear network system between two consecutive iterations. In the sequel, a lifted IDL is obtained by defining two super vectors of inputs and outputs over the entire finite time interval. Then, a lifted IDL-based DDSOILC scheme is proposed where the random data loss is described by a Bernoulli distribution of random variable. The results are extended by using a non-lifted IDL where the input-output relationship is described pointwisely. The learning gains of the proposed two methods are iteration-time-variant and can be iteratively estimated using real-time data. The proposed two methods do not depend on any explicit model. Moreover, the proposed non-lifted IDL-based DDSOILC can use more control information than the proposed lifted IDL-based one, and thus it can achieve a better control performance. Both theoretical analysis and simulations verify the efficiency and applicability of the two proposed methods.




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