青岛科技大学  English 





Vector control of semi-submerged ship dynamic positioning based on model-free adaptive sliding mode

关键字:Vector control (Electric machinery);Adaptive control systems - Dynamic positioning - Learning systems - Ships - Sliding mode control - Vectors

摘要:The model-free adaptive sliding mode vector control of propulsion motor is proposed for the semi-submerged ship dynamic positioning system for the problem of dynamic positioning propulsion motor control system with uncertain dynamics and load variations during rough sea conditions. The dynamic linear equation of dynamic positioning propulsion motor is derived. The convergence of the model and the sliding mode control method proves that the pseudo-partial derivative can be adjusted online to ensure the uniform and bounded of tracking error for the propulsion motor control system, and the performance of semi-submerged ship dynamic positioning system based on model-free adaptive sliding mode vector control and self-tuning PI vector control are compared. The simulation results show that the improved vector control has the characteristics of faster convergence speed and smaller steady-state error for the dynamic positioning propulsion motor.<br/> &copy; 2018 IEEE.


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