Photo-Thermal Conversion of Copper Sulfide Hollow Structures with Different Shape and Thickness
关键字:Photothermal Conversion; Hollow Structures; Copper Sulfide; Sacrificial Templates
摘要:In the current paper, we report the synthesis of spherical and cubic copper sulfide hollow structures, as well as the influence of shape and thickness on the photo-thermal conversion of the as-synthesized products. Copper sulfide hollow structures of different thickness were synthesized base on a sacrificial template strategy using spherical and cubic Cu2O precursors as templates. Optical absorption of the as-synthesized products was investigated with UV-Vis spectrometer. Photo-thermal conversion property was studied with a lab-made evaluation system equipped with an AUT-FSL semiconductor/solid state laser. The results indicate that the as-prepared products exhibited significant absorption in visible light regions. Under the irradiation of laser beam with a wavelength at 635 nm and a power of 0.015 W, the temperature elevations of the aqueous suspensions containing 0.24% mass fraction of spherical and cubic copper sulfide hollow structures were measured to be 5 degrees C and 6 degrees C within 60 seconds, respectively. On the contrast, water showed little temperature elevation under the same conditions.


教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师



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