Oleophobicity of Chitosan/Micron-alumina-Coated Stainless Steel Mesh for Oil/Water Separation
关键字:Underwater oleophobicity; Chitosan; Stainless steel meshes; Oil-water separation
摘要:In this research, stainless steel meshes coated with chitosan and micron-alumina were prepared via a dip-coating method. The coated mesh exhibits underwater oleophobic property with low oil adhesion. The influence of different concentrations of chitosan and micron-alumina on underwater oil contact angle of the coated mesh was studied. The separation efficiencies of the coated mesh for different oil-water mixtures were also tested. The results showed that the underwater oil contact angle of the coated mesh was as high as 146 degrees when the concentrations of chitosan and micron-alumina were 0.4 and 0.04 wt%, respectively. The coated mesh can separate different kinds of oil with an efficiency over 90 % in gravity-driven method. Furthermore, the mesh has high recyclability in the application of oil-water separations in both NaCl and weak alkaline solutions. The chitosan and micron-alumina coated mesh has potential applications in oil-water separations.


教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师



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