青岛科技大学  English 





Study of Stored Product Insects Identification Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

关键字:Near infrared spectroscopy; Stored product pests identification; dead and live insects; digital image processing

摘要:The harm of stored product pests are very serious, which caused huge losses to the national economy. It is important to strengthen the research on the insects, for the protection of reservoir storage and quarantine. In the recognition of stored product insects, Some insects have anabiosis, once it is missed, if the external environment is favorable, it will flourish and spread, there will be great harm to the storage of food. This paper briefly introduces the basic principle of the near infrared spectroscopy technology combined with the basic principle of digital image processing and recognition technology. The basic principle of automatic identification technology of dead and live insects, it is based on the difference of absorption and reflection of near-infrared light for the identification of insect pests. This paper presents a new idea of research on near infrared spectroscopy technology and digital image processing technology for automatic identification of direction in the dead and live insects.




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