青岛科技大学  English 





Synergy of adsorption and photocatalysis on removal of high-concentration dye by Ag/AgCl/Bi6O4(OH)(4)(NO3)(6)center dot H2O nanocomposite using Bi6O17Cl2 as bismuth source

关键字:Synergy; Adsorption; Photocatalysis; High-concentration methyl orange; Ag/AgCl/Bi6O4(OH)(4)(NO3)6 center dot H2O

摘要:Novel basic bismuth nitrite nanocomposite-Ag/AgCl/Bi6O4(OH)(4)(NO3)(6)center dot H2O has been applied to remove high-concentration methyl orange (MO). The nanocomposite was prepared by a two-step method with Bi12O17Cl2 as bismuth source. XRD, TEM, HRTEM and IR analyses were performed to clarify the composition and microstructure. TEM and HRTEM images reveal that the nanocomposite is consisted of plate-stacking Bi6O4(OH)(4)(NO3)(6)center dot H2O ultrathin nanosheets, where monodispersed AgCI (3-7 nm) and Ag (10-120 nm) nanoparticles are uniformly distributed. Influences of contact time, MO concentration and solution pH on adsorption capacity have been studied. Adsorption capacity is 349 mg g(-1) at natural state, 740 mg g(-1) at pH = 3, and 141 mg g(-1) at pH = 9. Visible-light photocatalytic performance was evaluated by degradating high-concentration MO of 500 mg L-1 at natural state, 1500 mg L-1 at acidic condition, and 300 mg L-1 at alkaline condition. Combining with distinct composition and structure of the nanocomposite, removal mechanism is proposed based on the synergy of adsorption and photocatalysis. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




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