Nanochain architectures constructed by hydrangea-like MoS2 nanoflowers and SiC nanowires: synthesis, mechainsm and the enhanced electrochemical and wide-temperature properties as an additive-free negative electrode for supercapacitors
- 发布时间:2021-03-15
- 点击次数:
- 关键字: hydrangea-like MoS2 nanoflowers
- 期号:746
- 是否译文:否
- 上一条:Nanochain architectures constructed by hydrangea-like MoS2 nanoflowers and SiC nanowires: synthesis, mechainsm and the enhanced electrochemical and wide-temperature properties as an additive-free negative electrode for supercapacitors
- 下一条:Ultralong SiC/SiO2 Nanowires: Simple Gram-Scale Production and Their Effective Blue-Violet Photoluminescence and Microwave Absorption Properties