Paper Publications
- Key Words:ZINC; ANODES
- Abstract:Fabrication of gel electrolytes are effective strategy to solve the side reactions and dendrite growth of Zn anodes in aqueous rechargeable zinc batteries (ARZBs). However, complicated synthesis and ex-situ assembled processes lead to poor electrode-electrolyte interfacial contact, which hinders ion transfer. Herein, compatible and stable electrode-electrolyte structure is constructed by in-situ polymerization process. The tightly coupled electrode-electrolyte interface reduces the mass transfer impedance, balances electric field distribution, and thus inhibits dendrites. What's more, the -SO3H groups in gel electrolyte play a significant role which performs as cation transport channels to regulate the deposition behavior of Zn along (0 0 2) crystal plane. The intercanected and porous structure of this electrolyte promote the desolvation process of [Zn(H2O)(6)](2+) and inhibit the side reaction. As a result, the symmetric cell exhibits ultra-long lifespan over 4,530 h (> 188 days), Zn||Cu cell delivers an average coulombic efficiency (CE) of 99.85 % with 1,000 cycles. Zn||MVO cell operates stably for over 2,700 cycles with CE of 99.91 %. This integrated hydrogel-Zn structure provides broad application prospect in wearable devices.
- Volume:496
- Issue:
- Translation or Not:no
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