

The friction and wear behavior of Cu/Cu-MoS<inf>2</inf>self-lubricating coating prepared by electrospark deposition

Release time:2023-10-20  Hits:

  • Key Words:Wear resistance;Coatings - Deposition - Friction - Layered semiconductors - Molybdenum compounds - Steel metallography - Tool steel - Tribology - Wear of materials;Deposition conditions - Electrospark deposition - Friction and wear - Friction and wear behaviors - Friction and wear properties - High-speed steels - Optimum deposition - Self lubricating coating
  • Abstract:Cu/Cu-MoS<inf>2</inf>self-lubricating coatings were prepared on high speed steel (HSS) by electrospark deposition (ESD). The friction and wear behavior of the coating was studied. The results show that the self-lubricating coatings have better wear resistance than uncoated HSS. The friction and wear properties depend on the deposition conditions. The optimum deposition conditions were the 4th grade capacitance, 7min deposition time and 26% volume ratio of MoS<inf>2</inf>to Cu. The worn surface showed that the wear mechanism of the self-lubricating coating was different from uncoated high speed steel. The wear mechanism of the self-lubricating coating was fatigue wear and abrasive wear.<br/> &copy; 2015 Elsevier B.V.
  • Volume:270
  • Issue:
  • Translation or Not:no