
张猛,副教授,硕士生导师,“泰山学者”团队核心成员。江苏省“科技副总”、青岛市十二届青年科技奖、青岛科技大学“科研新秀”、中国晶体学会会员、材料研究学会专业会员、中国化工学会高级会员、全国材料与器件科学家智库磁性材料与器件专家委员会常务委员、中国仪器仪表学会仪表功能材料分会电子元器件关键材料与技术专业委员会委员、国家自然科学基金/山东省自然科学基金/青岛市高新技术企业评审专家、SCI期刊《Frontiers ...Detials

Study on the Purification and the Field Emission Properties of SiC Nanowires

Release time:2023-10-19  Hits:

  • Key Words:SiC nanowires; purification; field emission (FE) properties
  • Abstract:In this paper, homemade SiC nanowires prepared via chemical vapor reaction was purified by calcination in combination with subsequent HF etching processing. The products were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED), and then the field emission (FE) properties of the unpurified and purified SiC nanowires were measured. Results suggested that the SiC nanowires presented well-distributed and their curvature were reduced after being purified, in addition, SiC nanowires separated from each other instead of felting together, FE properties were improved, with turn-on and threshold fields decreased by 1.1V/mu m and 0.6V/mu m, respectively.
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  • Translation or Not:no