
张猛,副教授,硕士生导师,“泰山学者”团队核心成员。江苏省“科技副总”、青岛市十二届青年科技奖、青岛科技大学“科研新秀”、中国晶体学会会员、材料研究学会专业会员、中国化工学会高级会员、全国材料与器件科学家智库磁性材料与器件专家委员会常务委员、中国仪器仪表学会仪表功能材料分会电子元器件关键材料与技术专业委员会委员、国家自然科学基金/山东省自然科学基金/青岛市高新技术企业评审专家、SCI期刊《Frontiers ...Detials

Development of spindle-cone shaped of Fe/&alpha;-Fe<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> hybrids and their superior wideband electromagnetic absorption performance

Release time:2021-03-15  Hits:

  • Key Words:Scanning electron microscopy;Enamels - Field emission microscopes - Hematite - Magnetic materials - Magnetite - Nanostructures - Photoelectron spectroscopy - Sodium Borohydride
  • Abstract:Rational design on microstructure of magnetic material provides new opportunity to enhance the electromagnetic absorption performance. Herein, we demonstrate the successful preparation of spindle-cone of Fe/Fe<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> and Fe<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf> samples with an average size of &sim;1.2 &mu;m, using a facile two-steps method. The well-defined spindle-cone shaped &alpha;-Fe<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> was developed first by a solvothermal route and then reduced by H<inf>2</inf> or NaBH<inf>4</inf>, respectively. The morphologies, phase compositions and magnetization of these as-prepared samples are analyzed by Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectrum (XPS) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). Meanwhile, the electromagnetic (EM) absorption performance of Fe/Fe<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> and Fe<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf> spindle-cones-paraffin composites with various filling ratios are also studied. The results reveal that Fe/Fe<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> with a filling ratio of 50 wt% achieves the smallest reflection loss value of &minus;26.2 dB at a thickness of 1.4 mm. At thinner thickness (1.0 mm), the bandwidth (RL &lt; &minus;10 dB) equals to 4.5 GHz (13.5&ndash;18 GHz). The excellent absorption mechanism was discussed in this work, which attributed to the unique nanostructure and moderate impedance matching and EM loss ability.<br/> &copy; 2019 Elsevier B.V.
  • Volume:799
  • Translation or Not:no