Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Properties of CdS/ZnO Supported on Carbon Nanotube Films

Release time:2020-12-04| Hits:

Abstract:We report here a facile vacuum filtration method to fabricate CdS and CdS-ZnO particles wrapped with carbon nanotubes on conductive glass substrates. The net-like nanotube structures facilitate carrier transport and greatly improve photon-response characteristics of CdS and CdS-ZnO particles. The enhancement is related to the structural characteristics of the nanotubes and the configuration of CdS and ZnO particles. For instance, single-walled carbon nanotube-based ZnO-CdS structures have higher photo-response currents than CdS-ZnO structures, whereas, multi-walled carbon nanotube-based CdS-ZnO structures have better photo-response characteristics than ZnO-CdS structures.



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