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Nano-sized plate-like alumina synthesis via solution combustion


  • 关键字:Alumina;Alcohol fuels - Aluminum oxide - Amino acids - Cobalt compounds - Combustion synthesis - Cyclohexane - Plates (structural components) - Two dimensional
  • 摘要:Nano-sized plate-like alumina is an important inorganic material in catalytic, ceramic and electronic applications due to its unique two-dimensional structure and properties, while its facile synthesis is still under investigation. In this work, nano-sized alumina plate was synthesized by solution combustion method with glycine and polyvinyl alcohol as composite fuels for the first time. The calcination temperature during solution combustion process was optimized as confirmed by XRD, FT-IR, TG-DSC, Raman, <sup>27</sup>Al MAS NMR, SEM, TEM, and N<inf>2</inf> physisorbtion. Obtained alumina displayed special nano-sized plate morphology and porous structure. It was further adopted as support for cobalt acetate and used as catalyst for selective oxidation of cyclohexane. This work develops a facile approach to synthesize two-dimensional plate-like alumina for catalytic application.<br/> © 2019 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.
  • 卷号:45
  • 期号:8
  • 是否译文:否
