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Home > Scientific Research > Paper Publications

Rheology and Dispersion Behavior of Highly Filled Propylene-Ethylene Copolymer/Calcium Carbonate Composites

Release time:2021-03-15 Hits:

Key Words:CaCO3; Composites; Dispersion; Propylene-ethylene copolymer; Rheology
Abstract:The rheology and dispersion behavior of commercial propylene-ethylene copolymer, highly filled propylene-ethylene copolymer/CaCO3 composites and highly filled propylene-ethylene copolymer/HDPE/CaCO3 composites prepared by melt-compounding were investigated. The pure propylene-ethylene copolymer exhibits pseudoplastic flow behavior obviously. The CaCO3 particles in the composites have achieved a homogeneous dispersion and the increasing shear rate has almost no influence on the dispersion behavior of CaCO3 particles. The high loading of CaCO3 particles influences the rheology behavior of propylene-ethylene copolymer slightly. For the highly filled propylene-ethylene copolymer/CaCO3 composites, the extensional viscosity only decreases slightly throughout the entire range of extension rates.
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